Books, Music, Me, Life, Love and other things… Twitter/Instagram: @kerecb

Posts tagged ‘Fifty Shades of Grey Trilogy’

Fifty Shades Darker movie review!

Ok, first of all I want to warn everyone who hasn’t watched the movie yet: get away from this post NOW!!! I’ll be posting stuff related to the movie and certain scenes. I gave some time for those who haven’t watched the movie before I post my review.

Ok. OMG OMG OMG!!! Wow!!!! I cried, I laugh, I lived that movie, and I enjoyed every part of it. I mean it was magical, beautiful, with tons of romance and much sexier than the firts one. Off course that many would say that the movie didn’t stick to the book, but any movie doesn’t always stick to the books, is much less time so they have to adapt for it. So let’s get started:

1. Dakota: She is a Q U E E N! She is perfect to play Anastasia, and it shows it once again in this movie, she is funny, and sexy, and she was so into character that gave life and was so true to the Ana I read in the books. She is strong and puts Christian at her feet.

2. Jamie: Wow! Isn’t he hotter and ripped on this movie? Wow, just sexy, he was more into Christian’s character, I mean, those eyes and that susceptibility and honesty reflect in them was beautiful, he is more romantic, and he laughs a lot, that smile is just beautiful and huge. I was dying to watch the submissive Christian and he was so perfect. I even cried in that scene, the vulnerability show in him was pure. He was perfect!

3. The chemistry between Jamie and Dakota was just GREAT! This time with more steamy and sexiest scenes. They definitely has to be more friends and it shows that they were comfortable playing their roles and in sync with a lot of trust.

4. Kim Basinger as Elena was perfect; I hated her like in the books.

5. I think it was a good hit on Niall Leonard doing the screenplay, cause who better than Erika’s husband to know these characters? Yes, great adaptation.

6. James Foley was a perfect director, you can see it in every scene, with who every character played their part, you can see that he got the story, he understood his role in it, every detail well taking care off.

7. The music was perfect, every scene filled with the right song, the beats at the perfect moments, it was a great complement to the story.

8. The balls, wow… even better than I imagine.

9. The spread bar, oh *sighs* Wow, just too sexy.

10. The return to the Red Room Of Pain was just too much, too perfect, too sexy, too hot. Perfection!

11. I felt the anguish and nerves when Charlie Tango crashed, my heart just was so small.

12. The mix of some scenes was good, is easier to understand for those who have read the books and know the little details, however I missed important scenes like:
a. When Flynn competes with Christian to win the auction at the masquerade ball. And Ana dancing with Carrick Grey.
b. After Leila destroys Ana’s car, they supposed to go to the hotel, and Ana gets to be Mrs. Taylor for the night, but instead they went straight to The Grace, is was nice but I’d love to see that exchange between Ana and Taylor and Christian’s jealousy.
c. I’m still wondering: Is Ethan going to appear in any of the movies? I mean, I was expecting Ana going for drinks with him after Dominant Christian came into action with Leila, but no, no sign of him just yet.
d. And finally, I missed Kate’s interrogation to Ana, about the kind of relationship she has with Christian just when they arrive to Christian’s bday party.

13.- It had that sense of thriller, a really dark side, more intense with Leila and Jack behind Ana and Christian.

14.- The glimpse to Fifty Shades Darker was so f’ing awesome. I can’t believe we have to wait another year to it.

I just really LOVED the movie; I was so amped after I got out of the theatre, with a huge smile on my face, and my heart beating so fast. Thank you E.L James, for writing such a lovely story, thank you James Foley for the incredible direction, Thank you Niall for the perfect screenplay, and thanks you to those amazing actors and actresses who gave life to these characters that we love so much.

Thank you for reading.

Laters Baby!


Fifty Shades Darker NEW trailer! Can love survive?

OMG! I mean really?

I am screaming like a crazy lunatic!

Here is the NEW trailer for the very anticipating movie “Fifty Shades Darker”

What is about elevators right?

The Club scene. OMG!!!!

More of Elena… And for her my big: Fv<K you B-ch!




“Fifty Shades Darker” Trailer

The excitement is incredible, I know!

Yesterday I was so crazy about the trailer that I completely forgot to post it, but here’s what we all have being waiting for. Trailer #1 “I want you back”:

For me, so far only seeing the trailer I can say that this film adaptation is more like the book, first the director is none other than James Foley, director of the hit series House of Cards, the screenplay adaptation was made by Nial made Leonard, Erika’s husband, who better person that the one, who was with her at all times while she was writing this story? And once again produced by Dana Brunetti, Michael De Luca, Marcus Viscidi and Erika herself. Coincidentally at this moment I am reading the trilogy for the 8th time, and I’am in the part of Fifty Shades Darkest when Ana arrives at her apartment and is Leila waiting for her, so I have fresh memory. This trailer has everything:

  1. The masked ball and Ana’s mask Wow! Simply beautiful!
  2. José’s photo exhibition.
  3. When Ana and Christian are in his childhood bedroom.
  4. Christian’s marriage proposal to Ana.
  5. Sailing on The Grace
  6. Leila at the edge of the bed (That, I think it’s at Ana’s place, when they get back together, is not something that is described in the book, but can be part of the plot)
  7. Jack the asshole appears, played by the very handsome Eric Johnson.
  8. The long-awaited Mrs. Robinson, Kim is just phenomenal.
  9. The arrival at the basement of Escala, which I can assume is when they find Ana’s car destroyed by Leila.
  10. When Christian shows Ana the research papers of his background of her.
  11. The accident in Tango Charlie.
  12. And of course one of the most shocking moments in the book, when Leila at Ana’s place.

I loved! Really! I’ve seen countless times, to observe every detail.

And I can’t wait for Valentine’s Day on 2017!

I hope you enjoy it!

Laters Baby!


“GREY” by E.L James

Ok, my first thought when I put down GREY was, “Is it fair to say that I was kind of expecting more?” I mean, it took me a lot of reading to get caught up with the book, and with FSOG was like falling in love in the first four chapters, I liked it but it was hard to get into it.

Is good to be able to read about Christian’s thoughts, and how is his life and relationship with his family and his employees, we get to know a little bit more about this impressive guy, we still can see glimpses of the little boy who was broken and scare, and we get to understand he is the way he is. I loved how he starts battling with his feelings of love for Anastasia, is good, I still believe that something was off and I wanted a lot more sparkles. I do want to read the next book, 1st cause Darker is my favorite book, and I think Christian is more involved in it.

GREY_cover“GREY” by E.L James

See the world of Fifty Shades of Grey anew through the eyes of Christian Grey.

In Christian’s own words, and through his thoughts, reflections, and dreams, E L James offers a fresh perspective on the love story that has enthralled millions of readers around the world.

Christian Grey exercises control in all things; his world is neat, disciplined, and utterly empty—until the day that Anastasia Steele falls into his office, in a tangle of shapely limbs and tumbling brown hair. He tries to forget her, but instead is swept up in a storm of emotion he cannot comprehend and cannot resist. Unlike any woman he has known before, shy, unworldly Ana seems to see right through him—past the business prodigy and the penthouse lifestyle to Christian’s cold, wounded heart.  

Will being with Ana dispel the horrors of his childhood that haunt Christian every night? Or will his dark sexual desires, his compulsion to control, and the self-loathing that fills his soul drive this girl away and destroy the fragile hope she offers him?

I hope you enjoy this reading a lot more than I did.

You can visit Erika’s site:


Twitter: @E_L_James

Laters Baby!


“Fifty Shades of Grey” Trilogy by E.L James

I’ve read the story six times, but I hadn’t done a review until now.

Fifty Shades of Grey was the first book of romance/erotic literature that I read, Christian Grey was my first literature crush, I felt in love with all of him, how sensitive he is, I felt for his love for Anastasia, he didn’t care about anything, is really good to read his conflict when he was battling emotions and feelings, he so jealous, overprotective, that and many more things I loved and love about hum. Anastasia is so innocent, she has no experience, but she is strong, decisive, she is curious of Christian’s life style and what he is really feeling, she doesn’t let over shadow for this incredibly handsome and powerful man, she faces him and establish her terms and conditions.

People had criticize the story, telling that is porn or that promote violence against women. However for me, just like for many women around the word that had read the books, It’s been a journey in this amazing love story that has kinky and intense fuckery. We read about BDSM but with consent for both parts, Ana does what she wants. Let me ask you something ¿Who has ever been spanked while you are having sex? Right, see? But that’s not violent or abusive, instead is sexy and turns us on, they are many forms to play and that helps our sex life. As E.L James would said “is passionate love story that happens to have lots of sex”

Erika wrote a story that caught up millions of women (and some men), the best of this is now we can see the story come to life on movie theaters, and we can put faces to our imagination, the last reading that I did on the books was with Dakota and Jamie in my mind as Anastasia and Christian.

Is an amazing trilogy, in Fifty Shades of Grey I felt in love with the story and characters, in Fifty Shades Darker this love gets intense, this is my favorite book of the trilogy because we see an Ana that takes Christian to his limits and we can see how strong she is, she have this power of important decisions and in Fifty Shades Freed is has a sense of freedom and liberation, there are moments of impact, action and lot of love.

I get enough of reading these books, I have the same feeling like the first time I read them, I feel butterflies and cute things everywhere and I fall in love with the story and each one of the characters.

You can visit Erika’s site:


Twitter: @E_L_James

Laters Baby!
